Java 8 with Java EE 7

The impact of Java 8 on Java EE applications

Seating is limited -- Register Now!

at Munich Airport

Language: English

Price: 357€ (19% MwSt. [VAT] included)

Java EE 7 is productive, pragmatic and lean. A combination of Java EE 7 APIs with Java 8 functional features and extensions makes even more code superfluous and introduces fully new paradigms.

In this workshop I would like to present you ideas, examples and emerging (best) practices for Java EE 7 "on" Java 8.


Java EE experience or attendance at the Effective Java EE workshop.


In this advanced workshop I would like to explain the most significant features with working code and prepared examples. As a reference, you will get a GIT repository with all snippets and solutions, as well as prepared sample applications.

A developer laptop with pre-installed Java 1.8, GIT-client and Maven 3 is required to run the examples. You can run the examples if you like, or "hack" along with me, but taking notes is perfectly viable as well.

Feel free to contact me / register via email: workshops[-AT-]
