Effective Java EE / MP

Getting things done with Java EE 8

Seating is limited -- Register Now!

at Munich Airport

Language: English

Price: 357€ (19% MwSt. (VAT) included)

Learn how to combine Java EE 8 APIs to develop, build and test lean and maintainable applications.

We will create together a Java EE 8 application focusing on productivity and maintainability.


Basic Java EE 8 knowledge, or attendance at the Real World Java EE Bootstrap


Advanced Maven 3 and Continuous Integration
REST, Web and Business Tier Java EE Security
Integration of legacy resources
RESTful architectures
How to combine effectively:
Context and Dependency Injection (CDI)
Enterprise Java Beans 3.1 (EJB)
Dependency Injection for Java
Bean Validation
Java Server Faces JSF 2.3
Java Persistence API JPA (JSR-317)
Java EE Security
Using JNoSQL
Using SSE
Java EE Concurrency Utilities
Effective Microprofile and Jakarta EE
Using Java 9 features in Java EE 8 context

I will develop an application with you--with no questions left. You will get after this workshop a GIT-repository with all intermediate steps and a deployable application.

You will need a modern laptop (> 4 GB RAM, fast hard disk, etc.) with pre-installed Java 9 to get the most from this workshop. We will install the whole environment together in the first 10 minutes. We will spend the most time in coding and deploying the application.

Feel free to contact me / register via email: workshops[-AT-]adam-bien.com

You might be also interested in: Java EE Testing Workshop [one day later].

To register for both workshops, just mention it in the comment section.
