AWS Java Bootstrap

Various ways to run Java on AWS

Seating is limited -- Register Now!

at Live, virtual workshop

Language: English

Price: 150€ (+19% MwSt. [VAT])

Running Java application on bare metal, serverful and serverless containers as well as AWS Lambda functions.

All examples, attendees' requests, and suggestions will be committed to a git repository in real-time.


Basic Java SE / Java EE / Jakarta EE / MicroProfile experience.


After a a short introduction to AWS basics (VPC, IAM, accounts, storage and organizations), we will cover the topics:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Java Cloud Development Kit (CDK) v2 and Apache Maven
  • how to start / AWS organizations
  • The essential networking basics: VPCs, Subnets, NAT gateways, Internet Gateways, SGs, NACLs, Endpoints
  • ALB / NLB / EC 2
  • Security with IAM
  • Authentication with AWS Cognito, OIDC and JWT
  • comparing JVM, CraC, SnapStart and GraalVM
  • Exposing REST/HTTP, WebSockets, Mobile push
  • introduction to observability, monitoring and logging
  • saving money with EC 2 spot instances
  • ECS autoscaling
  • combining ECS and AWS Lambda
  • Lightsail,Beanstalk, ECR ECS / Fargate, AWS Lambda
  • Batches with AWS Batch, ECS Fargate and AWS CodeBuild
  • AWS App Runner
  • ...and most popular questions, topics and approaches from

In this introductory (fun) workshop I will try to deploy a "hello, world" Java application to various AWS services and discuss the choices on-the-go. All AWS resources will be provisioned with Maven and CDK v2 Java edition. As a reference, you will get a GIT repository with all snippets and solutions, as well as prepared sample applications.

A developer laptop with pre-installed Java 11 (AWS Lambda currently only runs on Corretto 11), GIT-client, AWS CLI, and Maven 3 is required to run the examples. You can run the examples if you like, or "hack" along with me, but taking notes is perfectly viable as well.

I will use my AWS account to live deploy the applications and explain various AWS services.

Environment requirements / prerequisites.

I/we will spend 80% of the time in code--it also highly depends on your questions.

Feel free to contact me / register via email: workshops[-AT-]


Please ask your finance department for an invoice address. The address below will appear on the invoice.