Hardcore Serverless and "No Code" Java on AWS
Seating is limited -- Register Now!
at Live, virtual workshop
Language: English
Price: 150€ (+19% MwSt. [VAT])
Learn how to:
- "thinking" in serverless Java
- build cost effective, hassle-free, "self-healing" serverless Java applications
- NoOps and NoCode with ...Java
- serverless best practices
- IaC with CDKv2 Java
- Reusable Infrastructure ...as JAR-dependencies
- Automation with CodeBuild
- Event Driven Architectures and automation with EventBridge
- Serverless / cloud native configuration
- long running transactions with Step Functions
- Implementing "no-code" workflows with Step Functions
- CodePipeline vs. Step Functions
- The use cases for synchronous and asynchonous AWS Lambda
- The Step Functions "first" approach
- S3 as datalake and database
- S3 Metadata as database
- Accessing serverless persistence
- trunk only / main only CI/CD
- ...(TBD)
I will ... workshop a GIT-repository with all intermediate steps and a deployable application.
For local model inference (fully optional) you will need a fastest possible machine. For all other use cases a typical development machine is sufficient.
Feel free to contact me / register via email: workshops[-AT-]adam-bien.com
To register for both workshops, just mention it in the comment section.
register via meetup: meetup.com/airhacks/events/305772090/
register via eventbrite: airhacks.eventbrite.com