Building Mobile Apps with Vanilla Web Components, redux and lit-html
Seating is limited -- Register Now!
at Live, virtual workshop
Language: English
Price: 150€ (+19% MwSt. [VAT])
In this workshop we will focus on real world structure, design, naming conventions, testing and patterns for mobile, offline applications with vanilla Web Components.
Basic Web Component / web standards knowledge, or attendance at a Web Component-related workshop. Attendance at: Best Practices, Hacks and Frontend Patterns with Vanilla Web Components is recommended.
- Apps installation on mobile devices / home screen
- Native-like look and feel with Web Components
- Defining splash screens, icons, and installation options
- Using device native APIs like e.g. web share API, vibration API, geolocation API, camera access, DOM touch events, device orientation
- Working with push notifications
- Using notifications API
- Using mobile push notification gateways
- Installation process customizations
- Introduction to Service Workers and Cache Storage
- Service Worker cache update strategies and patterns
- Application versioning and updates
- Routing with Web Components for mobile applications
- View and logic separation
- Patterns for highly interactive applications
- Layout and styling of native applications
- State management and unidirectional data flow
- Opinionated redux and redux-toolkit
- Dealing with long running tasks and backend communication
- Backend online / offline synchronization
- Applying Boundary Control Entity to mobile applications
- CSS styling for mobile apps
- Building asynchronous applications with Server Sent Events (SSE) and Web Sockets
- Accessing mobile Browser APIs
- [TBD]
- ...and most popular questions, topics and technologies from
In this workshop I would like to explain the most significant features with working code and prepared examples. As a reference, you will get a GIT repository with all snippets and solutions, as well as prepared sample applications.
Environment requirements / prerequisites.
I/we will spend 90% of the time in code.
Feel free to contact me / register via email: workshops[-AT-]